Saturday, October 25, 2008


Jesus said,'Love your enemies, pray for those who hurt you'. Maybe it didn't mean anything to you, it may not even sound logic to most people, but yet again, there are people who are able to live on these few words and seek peace for themselves. He even said, 'when people strikes you on your left cheek, turn the other one to him as well'. What I'm trying to say here is, why revenge? What benefits do you gain? It may be 'sweet' for a moment, but not for long. Soon enough you'll be engulfed by your own guilt.

This is my way of living,'Forgive and Forget'. If by any chance you're thinking of taking revenge, remember what i've said here. Whatever injuries people inflict on you, if you are taking revenge, that injuries will too, be inflicted on the person who hurt you, and they never end. Unless of course, someone stops. 'Hatred only leads to more hatred'.


Joe said...

Hello, I linked you ady... feel free to visit mine... Good luck for everything!


Joe said...

You're tagged! Copy the questions at my 02 December post and answer them at your own perspective... good luck!